Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Goes Around Comes Around

Wearing taupe and a fox fur hat at the "What Come
Around Goes Around" event on Wednesday night.

I was more than thrilled to be invited to WGACA'S
vintage vault. I was in heaven looking through
fabric sample books from 1890.


  1. Nice hat! Looks like a plume of feathers coming out of the top.(Although it's really someone's head)Nice photo, too! :)----<

  2. I know. I love how Becka Diamond's hair looks like it huge plumes out of the hat.

  3. You look great! And I love the photo, too. And, yes, Adele Bloch-Bauer is even more stunning in person. Have a great weekend!

  4. Just to echo the above commenter, I love the hat. Huge plumes of feathers always enhance a hat!
